"God may often lead us in a rough and unpleasant way, but he always leads us in a right way. God never sends an affliction to us but when he sees it
needful for us; and he never removes it from us, before it has answered the end
for which he at first sent it. Outward afflictions are not accidental things,
they come not by chance, but are sent to us by a wise and merciful Father, who
causes them to answer the end for which he sends them. By them we are purged
from our dross and tin; grace is tried and refined in the furnace of
affliction, and they, who have tasted that the Lord is gracious, are hereby
confirmed to his heavenly image – made partakers of his holiness, Hebrews
12:10, and more prepared for his heavenly kingdom. Afflictions are furtherance to
us in our way heavenward – not an hindrance to us; though when we are exercised
therewith we often conclude ourselves to be in a desert and desolate land. We
must be first of all prepared for glory, before we can, in consistency with the
perfections of our God, be received into it: and this is the end, and proves
the blessed issue of our present afflictions, 2 Corinthians 4:17. Hereby, then,
it further appears, that God leads his people the right way, though it may be a
rough way, to the city of habitation. “ ~ John East